8 Tip To Reduce Website Redesign Cost

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Website Redesign can be a costly process, but it is often necessary in order to keep up with the latest web design trends and technologies. The cost of redesigning a website will vary depending on the size and complexity of the project, as well as the level of expertise required. However, typically, a professional website redesign will cost anywhere from $1,000 to $40,000.

Website Redesign
Image credit by Shutterstock

But there are ways to reduce the cost. Here are a few tips:

1. Plan Ahead

The cost of redesigning a website can vary greatly depending on the size and complexity of the project. Typically, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 for a basic redesign. However, more complex projects may cost much more.

Before embarking on a website redesign project, it’s important to carefully consider your needs and budget. Work with a designer to create a project plan and estimate the cost of the project. Be sure to include all costs, such as design, development, hosting, and maintenance.

2. Look for a designer who works with a team vs an individual

If you’re on a tight budget, there are many ways to reduce the cost of a website redesign. For example, look for a web design company that offers costs saving benefits like working with a team versus an individual designer or specializing in multiple areas of design.

3. Use a template

If you don’t need a completely custom redesign, you can save money by using a pre-made template. There are many free and premium templates available online, and most designers are happy to work with existing templates to create a new look and feel.

4. Consider a website redesign service

Some web design companies offer a complete package, including branding services, marketing strategy, site management, and hosting. This may be more expensive upfront but can save you time and money in the long run.

5. Redesign incrementally

Instead of completely overhauling your website every few years, think about redesigning page by page. This may cost less but still give you a fresh, updated look and feel.

6. Consider a low-cost solution

If you need a simple redesign for a small website, consider inexpensive options such as an HTML update or tweaking your current layout. If you have basic design needs and don’t have the budget for a complete redesign, you can save money by asking your current designer for help.

7. Hire the right company

If you’re shopping around for a website design company, ask each one you interview the following questions:

  • How much experience does your firm have?
  • What is included in your project estimate?
  • How do you determine costs?
  • Do you work with a team or an individual?
  • What is your method for creating a project plan and estimating costs?
  • How long will the design process take?

Look for a designer who has experience working in healthcare and ask about their portfolio and references. Also, be sure to clarify upfront whether the estimate includes all fees, such as hosting and maintenance.

8. Get social!

Look for ways to reduce the cost of your web design project by asking for discounts on services like hosting, maintenance and development (e.g., build vs buy). Also, consider using social media tools like Facebook and Twitter to cover some of your branding needs at no cost.

Remember that working with a web design company can be a great way to save time and money on your website redesign project. Do your research, ask lots of questions, and be sure to get an estimate in writing before signing any contracts.

We hope these tips help you reduce the cost of your next website redesign!

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